Conference: HKPCA & IPC Show 2016
Date: December 7 – 9, 2016
Venue: Halls 1, 2 & 4, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China
Atotech booth no.: 2P11
Atotech will be presenting its expertise and products at the upcoming HKPCA & IPC South China Show in Shenzhen, China, from December 7 to 9, 2016. The show will highlight the fast-growing automotive PCB segment of electronics manufacturing, a market which is undergoing rapid growth with the trend of lightweight, miniaturized, intelligent and electrified automobiles.
As a leading company in the PCB sector for automotive electronics, Atotech is well prepared and continuously contributes to the advancements of automotive electronics technology. At Atotech’s booth, senior leaders and experts will be ready to discuss our latest technology and cutting-edge new products with you.
For more information, please visit: www.hkpca-ipc-show.org/2016/en