A global network with local experts
At the heart of our success is an outstanding team of highly trained professionals and experts who make it their business to ensure our customers accomplish their goals. With a presence in all major markets, we are always on hand to provide high quality products and services to our customers. We are constantly investing in R&D and expanding both our global reach and service infrastructure to remain a sustainable industry partner.

Berlin, Germany
Atotech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Global headquarters &
Regional headquarters Europe
Erasmusstrasse 20
10553 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 349 85 0
Fax.: +49 30 349 85 777

Yokohama, Japan
Atotech Japan K.K.
Regional headquarters Far East
German Industry Park
1-18-2 Hakusan
Midori-ku, Yokohama
Kanagawa 226-0006
Tel.: +81 45 937 6116
Fax.: +81 45 937 6117

Rock Hill, USA
Atotech USA, LLC
Regional headquarters Americas
1750 Overview Drive
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Tel.: +1 803 817 3500
Fax.: +1 803 817 3602
Contact us