Tin PostDip 2020
Posttreatment solution to prevent de-wetting defects on immersion tin
Even appearance
No self-dewetting
Easy drop-in
Tin PostDip 2020 is a new post treatment solution for immersion tin plating. It was developed to strengthen the oxide layer formation and by that prevent the appearance of shiny tin after reflow caused by inhomogeneous tin melting.
Application of Tin PostDip 2020 ensures to achieve an even and matt white surface appearance of the immersion tin layer after reflow. The postdip solution is combinable with other posttreatments like Ionix SF for reduced ionic contamination or the Tin PostDip 8 to prevent yellowish appearance after reflow.

- Post-treatment solution for immersion tin to prevent de-wetting defects of immersion tin after reflow process
- The postdip supports the growth of an homogeneous oxide layer and by that reduces the risk for melting defects and de-wetting issues on immersion tin
- Effective prevention of defects related to tin melting and self dewetting
- Increased Sn-Oxide layer thickness
- Combinable with Tin PostDip 270 and Tin PostDip 8 for prevention of yellowing after reflow under air
- No influence on solderability
What inspires us
Why we developed Tin PostDip 2020
Your challenge
In the assembly of immersion tin layers, contaminations brought in prior, during or after the tin plating process can lead to soldering defects. Such defects can be divided into:
a) Non-wetting: the solder cannot wet the tin surface – this can be caused by e.g. contamination on top of the tin layer which act as physical barrier towards the solder.
b) De-wetting: the molten solder coats the surface but then recedes. A root cause can be inadequate cleaning or inhomogeneous oxidation of the tin layer.
c) Self de-wetting: molten tin penetrates the Sn-Oxide layer and agglomerates on top. This defect occurs when the oxide layer is cracked or damaged during the second reflow cycle.
Our solution
For de-wetting and self de-wetting, the thickness and homogeneity of the Sn-Oxide layer is of high importance. Tin PostDip 2020 helps to form an even and homogeneous tin-oxide layer which reliably covers the immersion tin layer during the assembly process and prevents the occurrence of cracked oxide layer and melting of liquid tin on the layer surface.