The future generation high end finish
Low temperature active step
Lower operating temperatures than competitive final finishes; accomodates high frequency materials
High resolution capable final finish
Thanks to the omission of a nickel diffusion barrier
Perfect for high frequency applications
Similar signal integrity performance as silver and low deposit thickness ensure minimal skin effect contributions

Copper-wire 20 μm on pure EP finish
PallaBond®, an autocatalytic palladium final finish, is a future generation high end finish with excellent solderability as well as high frequency and low signal loss attributes. It has excellent wire bonding credentials, providing very good bonding capability with gold- and silver- wires, as well as prooven bonding capabilities with copper- and copper-palladium wires. The process is suitable for high frequency and key press applications, providing maximum fine feature resolution and definition.
The totally phosphor free finish is bio-compatible, consuming less energy and water than ENIG, ENEPIG and immersion tin finishes. Its operating temperatures are lower than competitive final finish processes.

- Ideal for medical applications
- Ideally suited for high frequency applications
- Supports flex applications
- Suitable for ceramic electronics
- Suitable for eutectic and lead free soldering

IMC investigation 0.1 μm Pd / 0.1 μm Au
- Good solder joint reliability
- Finish thickness < 0.2 µm allowing very fine L / S
- Capable of high density circuitry
- Excellent capability with base materials and soldermasks
- Bio compatible: less water and energy consumption
- No nickel chemistry waste
What inspires us
Why we developed PallaBond®
Your challenge
New technical requirements such as ever finer lines and spaces, higher frequencies and better solder joint reliability, coupled with the drive to reduce manufacturing costs require a constant search for alternative manufacturing solutions.
Our solution
PallaBond® is an autocatalytic palladium final finish which does not employ a nickel diffusion barrier. It has been designed to receive maximum fine feature resolution whilst enhancing high frequency design. The totally phosphor free finish is bio-compatible.