Ethical and responsible business
We uphold our values without compromise, mandating all suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct and acquaint themselves with other essential guidelines outlined below.
Our purchase orders
Atotech operates a “NoPo-NoPay” policy. Suppliers must therefore not provide any materials or services without first having received a Purchase Order (PO) issued by Atotech.
In exceptional cases and where you don’t have a PO number, the invoice must reference the respective contact person/business partner on the Atotech side. Atotech colleagues are responsible of assuring the compliance with the internal procedures and will inform you if your service/product might follow under the exception list, where it is not compulsory to provide a PO number on your invoice to us.
The details provided on the PO document must match the materials/services that are being provided, and the supplier should check all details before providing any goods/services to Atotech.
If there are any discrepancies should be raised immediately with the individual that requested the materials/services. Please be aware that discrepancies in PO details may delay or prevent the processing of associated invoices.
Please ensure that PO is addressed to the correct entity of the supplier’s organization. Atotech is unable to process invoices where the company entity/address listed on the invoice is not the same company that the PO was raised to.
The Atotech entity on the PO must match to the respective contracts that are in place. Suppliers will only be able to invoice Atotech entity listed on the PO document and following details are correct (where applicable):
- Quantity
- Unit price and total price
- Order currency
- Unit of Measure
- Product /service name
- Description of materials or services
- Requested delivery dates
- Delivery address
- Payment Terms
- Incoterms
As we value our partnership the above will enable us to process your invoices and wire transfer On Time In Full, without delays or disruptions on your side.
We thank you for your commitment in following these requirements.
Invoicing us
- All invoices must clearly state the PO number received from Atotech.
- Where no PO has been provided (in exceptional circumstances – see “Purchase Orders” section on this website) the invoice must clearly identify the Atotech contact who requested the materials/service.
- Where the PO has multiple lines, it should be clear which line/charge on the invoice relates to which line of the PO (invoice line should state the PO line number where possible).
- Atotech will be unable to process invoices when insufficient value or quantity is remaining on the Purchase Order. Suppliers are asked not to submit invoices over PO value and instead should contact the respective Atotech requestor.
- All company entities on the PO (both Atotech and supplier’s) must be correct, and match exactly to the details specified on the invoice. If they are not the same, a new PO must be requested from the respective Atotech contact that place the request.
- All invoices must contain a clearly marked, unique invoice number and date.
- The currency of the invoice must be the same as that specified on the PO.
- The Unit of Measure (UoM) listed on the invoice must match the UoM specified on the PO. For any exceptions please contact the respective Atotech requestor.
- Credit notes should clearly reference the invoice number/PO they relate to, where appropriate.
The invoice header to contain:
- Invoice or credit note
- Invoice number
- Invoice date
- VAT ID of the supplier (when applicable)
Invoice Submission
Suppliers should submit invoices to the respective central invoice e-mail address that can be found here.
- Where there are questions on which details should be used, suppliers should request clarification from respective contact person/business partner on the Atotech side.
- Invoices that are non-compliant will be rejected and a notification sent back to the supplier. Corrected invoices should be returned to Atotech as soon as possible to minimize delays in payment.
- Due to any fraud possibility, handwritten invoices are not accepted and will be rejected by Accounts Payable.
- All invoices must be sent electronically to the appropriate Accounts Payable email address.
We thank you for your commitment in following these requirements.
Our purchasing platform - SAP ARIBA
Suppliers that have catalogues with Atotech are responsible for the maintenance of the content, including pricing information. Where prices on invoices differ from the associated price in the catalogue (and therefore purchase orders created from them), invoices may be delayed and/or rejected.
We thank you for your commitment in following these requirements.
Payment terms
Atotech’s standard payment terms begin from receipt of a compliant invoice.
Payment terms will be stated on the PO document received when goods/services have been formally requested. Queries/concerns on payment terms should be addressed to the appropriate Atotech contact upon receipt of the PO, not at time of invoice submission.
We thank you for your commitment in following these requirements.